About Your Dog Walker

Lara Tyminski, owner of Your Dog Walker, has been passionate about animals since she was a young girl. She can truly say she offers a lifetime of pet care experience. Dogs, ferrets, birds and rodents - she has shared her life with them all. Lara has been involved with the London Humane Society, as a Dog Walker, Fundraiser, participant and sponsor of the Annual Bark-in-the-Park Dog Walk-a-thon. She provided a foster home for both ferrets and dogs, and was Chairperson of Foster Homes from 1998 – 1999.
Lara was also able to participate in wildlife fostering through King Animal Clinic in 1998-1999, helping to raise and release orphaned raccoons, squirrels and bunnies!
With Your Dog Walker your dog will be treated as though it were a member of our family; it's safety and well-being are our top priority.

Lara also has a special place in her heart for ferrets. She has over 15 years of ferret experience, with both companion animals and rescues, as well as working with The Ferret Aid Society in Toronto.
At one time she lived with seven ferrets, four of her own and three that she had rescued and later adopted out. Since the ferrets didn't all get along Lara had 5 separate play groups to entertain!
Lara currently lives with her Labrador Zoe! Zoe was born May 1st 2010.
She's been quite a handful, but is pretty grown up now. Read about her puppy
years by clicking the "ZOE" link at the top of the page.
On March 27, 2010, Lara lost her beloved lab cross Raven. Lara and Raven spent nearly 11 years together, and you can share in their story by clicking here.
"You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."
The Little Prince, 1943 - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry